
Developer Guide


{list here sources of all reused/adapted ideas, code, documentation, and third-party libraries – include links to the original source as well}

Design & implementation

{Describe the design and implementation of the product. Use UML diagrams and short code snippets where applicable.}

Product scope

Target user profile

{Describe the target user profile}

Value proposition

{Describe the value proposition: what problem does it solve?}

User Stories

Version As a … I want to … So that I can …
v1.0 new user see usage instructions refer to them when I forget how to use the application
v2.0 user find a to-do item by name locate a to-do without having to go through the entire list

Non-Functional Requirements

{Give non-functional requirements}


Instructions for manual testing

{Give instructions on how to do a manual product testing e.g., how to load sample data to be used for testing}